Has anybody tried a Shelter 501/Linn Ekos comb.

Hi, I am having problems finding a decent MC for my Linn Ekos. I bought a Denon 103R but the local Linn dealer told me that it doesn't fit the Ekos headshell. I don't want to buy another cartridge to have the same problem. The second cartdrige in my list was the Shelter 501. Does anybody have tried mounting a Shelter 501 in a Linn Ekos? Thank you very much for your help, Pablo.
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Jfrech, thank you very much for your answer. At least now I have a theory! Being a social scientist I feel much better than yesterday ... Seriously, thanks a lot: what you are describing is exactly what the Linn dealer described to me few days ago. Pablo.
Pablo, looking back at my DL103 that is sitting in my RB600 Rega arm, the
Denon is slightly longer than the Kontrapunkt A I have. However it is sitting
much more to the front of the headshell so that effectively it does not extend
further into the back than the Kontrapunkt. It might be possible that in order
to achieve the correct geometry (using a DB protractor) the cartridge has to
sit more forward in the headshell, so that there is no problem with the
hookup pins hitting the tonearm pins on the Ekos as well. Did your dealer
check the alignment correctly?
TWL is probably right in that the Shelter is a better cartridge anyway (still
hoping to hear it someday). Can't argue with him. However the size/length of
the cartridge won't tell you very much wether it will extend to far to the back,
since that will depend also on the cartridge alignment to achieve the correct
geometry. It might be worth trying to shift the arm slightly forward so that
the cartridge can be mounted as far up front as possible.

Also I do remember seeing people use the DL103 with an Akito or Ittok arm,
can't remember the websites though.

Again, Good Luck!
The Ittok headshell is a little longer than the Ekos so there's more room for the cartridge pins/wires. My Lyra Argo is a real tight fit in the Ekos so I imagine the Denon may be also.

I loved the Denon 103D cartridge I owned 20 years ago but I'm not sure the 103R is in the same class (spherical stylus). In an Ekos and comparable quality associated equipment, I suspect you could (should?) do better.

Keith, thank you for the info about the Ittok. I didn't know that.
I will try the Shelter 501 in the Ekos. I hope I don't have the same problem! Pablo.