Audiodharma Cable Cooker anyone share experiences?

I am interested in the Audiodharma Cable Cooker and would like to here comments from anyone that has actually used one.
Thanks for the in-depth and point by point response.

I think that a lot of what we are hearing take place when burning cables has to do with the dielectric "settling" along with slight changes to the conductor. As such, i can see the Mapleshade's not taking very long to "settle" or "burn in". They have next to no dielectric or "insulating jacket" to deal with. I think that this is also most of the reason that the Goertz speaker cables basically have miminal break in time. I would think that air or natural fiber ( like cotton ) insulation on a solid core wire would also provide much faster break in times compared to most "plasticized" stranded cabling. Then again, these are only "edjumacated guesses" so i could be out in left field.

Outside of all of this, given my background in electronics, i would not have believed the difference that "cooking" a cable would make if i had not experienced it for myself. As i've said before, i truly believe that you've never heard what a cable is fully capable of until it has been "cooked" on a burner for an extended period of time. The results were instantly noticeable and beneficial on every cable that i've done this to. This is regardless of the price of the cable or how long it had already been running in a system for. If you have the opportunity to try something like this, i would HIGHLY recommend it. Sean
Alan, i'll have to stop by your website and take a look at the info there. Out of curiousity, would you be open to further comments, questions and possible suggestions via private email about the product ?

Ozzy, hope it does everything that you expect out of it. Out of curiosity, have you ever used a burner or had cables burned for you before ? Sean

PS.. If you have it drop shipped here, i'll save you the trouble of breaking in the break in device : )
"Alan, i'll have to stop by your website and take a look at the info there."

Be sure to check out the Cooker FAQ's.

"Out of curiousity, would you be open to further comments, questions and possible suggestions via private email about the product?"


"PS.. If you have it drop shipped here, i'll save you the trouble of breaking in the break in device : )"

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. Oddly enough, the irony is that the Cooker *doesn't* require any break-in's good to go out of the box. Keep in mind it's not producing a listenable audio signal that needs conditioning for better sonics.

I can't believe the transformation cables make after they break in . can take a long time. I am always trying this Cable brand against another, most Manufactures wantthe trials back within 30 days or less.
I have tried various home made ways to break in cables. The most common is to play music non- stop thru speaker cables driving everybody in the household nuts!!
I have owned the Mobie and I liked what it did, but it would not burn in Power cords or Speaker cords.
If the Cable Cooker shortens the process it will be worth it.