Any good suggestions for phono cable?

Hi guys,

I need a phono cable to replace the stock cable that came with the AQ PT-5 arm. I use the arm on VPI jr. and Grado Blue cart.

This is my very first setup, and I intended to upgrade to VPI MK3, and a better cart when financial condition allow.

I am looking at Kimber TAK Cu now as other cables in my system are mostly Kimber. Is it the right move?

However, is there any good DIY recipy you have tried? I would be interested in building one myself to save money.

Any helpful suggestions are welcomed.

Thanks in advance,

Last month's Stereophile reviewed a number of phono cables. The Hovland was a favorite and Coincident technologies. The later, they pointed out is not well suited for VPI or other floating platers because it is so stiff. I'm using a Siltech G3. They discontinued it for a while, but I think they are making it again. I prefered it to several cables I tried. I'm using it on a VPI TNT MK2, with SME IV.Vi arm, Van den Hul Frog, with a Sonic Frontiers Signature phono stage. The Siltech has a very thorough grounding scheme and was much quieter and smoother (without loss of detail) than any other cable I tried in my system. The Sonic Frontiers is all tube--that could account for part of the reason why I like this cable so much. I have no other Siltech cables in my system. Almost everything else is Audioquest. So I wouldn't necessarily buy the Kimber, because the rest of your system is Kimber--if you do buy the Kimber, buy it on it's own merits as a phone cable. Incidentally I did not listen to the Kimber when I auditioned all of the cables, so I really can't comment on it's performance.
The Coincident is your best choice.The reviewer did not have the courtesy to break in the cable as per MFGs instructions.I have been using one for 8 months and with no other changes it keeps getting better all the time .I used it in the cd path for about 500 hours and then put it in place replacing the Coincident IC i had on the pnono stage.You could not imagine the difference between these two cables.Same cable one with proper breakin one with phono use only.The cable that was used first in the cd path was now the best phono ic I had ever heard.
Try to get a hold of David99 he was once called a "rabid vinyl junkie" I am sure he has some suggestions.
I have the vpi jr. I have the cardas termination block,so I can use any standard rca ic. I have the XLO SIG 3.1 cable. You break this in on your cd player/to pre amp(much higher voltage). After 6 days on repeat it is well broken in. Then you use it as you phono ic.
There is no such thing as breaking in cable. Electrons don't break in. The electrons in your cable have been around for 15 billion years. You don't need to break them in. Are you guy completely out of your minds? If the wire isn't broken and the shielding is good, the cable is good. The electrons are not going to care how much you paid for the cable.