My 1st TT your thoughts, please?

Thorens 160 MKII, TP-63 arm and Micro LF-7 cartridge
(Table/Arm in mint condition & low use on the cartridge). Now the real fun commences, shopping for vinyl!

Happy Listening and Holidays

Make sure you have plenty of Progold, decent interconnects (Esoteric Conductors my favorites), a record cleaning machine, Last Products, brushes, Discwasher for occasional wiping and a good cartridge. Try a Shure V15 V and take it from there. Just my .02
Your best bet for vinyl at a cheap price is the local used book and record store. The big one in Texas is Half Price Books and Records.

Most areas in the country have similar places where you can beef up your collection for very little money. I often find pristine copies of great music for as little as fifty cents. Even titles of which you are uncertain, at that price you can afford to experiment. In my opinion that is at least half the fun.

If the bargain priced places don't have all the titles you want, (such as current releases), visit :

I just visited this site and choose vinyl as a search. Downloaded about 2 MB that ran for pages and pages and ordered:
Bob Dylan (Love and Theft).
Everlast (Whiteys).
Radiohead (OK Computer)
Bjork (Verpertine)
Daft Punk ( Discover)
Shuggie Otis (Inspiration)

Plus the following 45 RPM releases:
Buena Vista Social Club (with Ry Cooder).
Billie Holiday (Lady)
Bill Evans (Live at Montreux)
Pinetop Perkins
Tina Brooks (Back to Tracks)

Have fun, and don't forget to check the adjustments on your arm and cartridge to protect your new software.
Just be warned. After using your new turntable your cd player will never sound the same to you again! Enjoy.