LP Cleaning Question

I am fairly new to the analog game, but am enjoying every minute of it. I have a VPI Aries TT, Shelter 901 cartridge and a VPI 16.5 record cleaner. My problem is record cleaning. For example, I purchased a brand new re-issue of Coltrane "Live at Birdland". It sounded great right away but over time (10 plays), it began to crackle and pop a little. I put it on the cleaning machine, squirted some VPI cleaning fluid on the record, brushed the record, and then vacuumed it dry. The record looked great, but still crackle and pops during playback.

My question is, am I doing something wrong in my cleaning procedure? I have not cleaned/treated the stylus at all. Could this be the source of the noise?

Any recommendations would be appreciated.

of "coarse" you weren't:-)
but if you do get too carried away you can always send the record back to the manufacturer for regrooving - ynuk nyuk
I've used many of the products used below and most are pretty good. I have had the best luck with Gruv Glide. Gruv Glide completely knocks out the static, cleans and enhances trackability. There is an audible improvement with Gruv Glide. It's a stereophile recommended product. I've used it for over 10 years treating over 500 records without a single problem. 1 kit does about 125 records. I get it at Needle Doctor & Music Direct who has it on sale now.
Hope this helps.
Hififile, have you ever used a VPI or Nitty Gritty and then the Gruv-Glide or just the Gruv-Glide, etc ??? How do you apply / remove this stuff ? I've seen it but never used it. Sean
Dear Sean,
I've used the nitty gritty. Wet washing completely removes the Gruv Glide product, which is a good thing. It shows it does not 'attack' or alter the structure of the vinyl. That was my big beef with L.A.S.T. (also good stuff). Once the LAST was on, it was on for good. If you didn't like what it did to your record you were out of luck. All of us in our record/music club (informal bunch of guys who love records)
stick with Gruv Glide because it works the best, and is a phenomenal value. Hope this helps.
I forgot to add how Gruv Glide is applied. Gruv Glide is an aerosol product that is sprayed onto a very unique feeling applicator pad (2 come in the kit). The applicator pad is placed face down onto the record which you manually spin on the platter. The Gruv Glide goes on dry. And believe me you can hear immediate improvement in the records sound.