Which cables go with what?????

I never fails to amaze me, the questions people ask on this forum, always trying to find some synergy between cables and their components/speakers.

The fact is: there are two classes of cables:
1) Those that are neutral
2) Those that impose a sonic signature (tone controls of a sort)

If the average audiophile spent his time trying to weed-out the tone control cables and get some neutral cables, then all that would be left is to determine the right synergy between his or her components. This may mean elimination of an offensive component, as painful as that sounds.

Component synergy is real. Amps and speaker combinations definitely need to be selected carefully. In some cases also preamp-amp synergies are important. If you are using tubes, then there are even more compatibility issues. But cables, forget it. If you are trying to compensate for a poor component or speaker design by using tone control cables, you will probably never be happy and likely compromise the sound of the other components in the process. You will certainly never approach a live or "master-tape" sound. There, that's my editorial. Hopefully some will learn from it.
Maybe this will help; it took us three years to build a ported dynamic speaker with no x-over. Every speaker manufacture we took the project to said it was inpossible. The major reason the speaker works is due to a huge advancement in power cord design. This shows an inherent relationship between power cable performance and its effect on the total system. Without a stable power flow nothing else can function properly.This synergy thing is a bunch of dung, there is a reason for everything and when it is beyond our understanding we call it synergy etc.
I know it is hard to grasp without hearing the reality but A-Bs are difficult to do over the internet mabe you and Audioengr can figure that one out.
There are many strange relations in the audio chain that contemporary engineering has not accounted for and the more I say the more bazaar it is going to appear.
Nrchy/Sonic_genius/Nighthawk: FIY, cable business is very hard to make a buck because lack of customers. Audio is a luxury hobby not neccessity. Many of them has a real job other than this hobby. However, they're very proud of what they design(or something they found) and they're trying to prove that their idea works.
exactly like Corona said
If you don't read this why you come?
and obviously there are some hidden secrets where you need to find out yourself otherwise they wouldn't be able to stay in business.

Sean is correct, I don't have equipment to test any of the DIY cables I built myself since I'm not in EE or a real hifi shop. I only work with a 99 cents plier, a radio shack twizzer and solder iron and a good set of ears : )
Btw, I did have ME degree more than a decade ago but I've never work in the ME field. I'm currently in CS field.

Here are some hints:
I have found that solid core gauge size has more sonic signature (based on the resonance frequency response) and insulation (vibration damping) and shielding (dielectric)has more influence in noise reduction. The electrical property (resistance and capacitance) will have greater influence on pace and rhythem (pace). The purity of the material (metallurgy) will increase the detail over all.

The statement above is based my own findings from DIY IC and speaker cables. I have not applied the above on AC cords yet.

For all the DIY folks, you can try to build the most suitable cable with above conclusion in mind and you'll be happy with the results or you should have a good idea of what type of cable you own and what needs to improve.
Audioengr's original post and replies to it like Sean's constitute what I think is an interesting and important question.

As an engineer, I'm well aware that the putting together of optimized systems is normally done by a design team that would never dream of leaving it to an untutored end user to shape through mix and match.

As stated already in this thread, audiophiles usually match gear on sound and much audio gear is designed according to idiosyncratic engineering principles, therefore the end result is that the connecting cables become a battleground for the subtle mismatch of electronic parameters, as in Sean's detailed reactive loading description.

Audioengr's original argument is that IF you match components well enough, including with tubed systems, that it is at least possible to get the cable influence out of the equation. Obviously cables need to be as well designed as possible (re S23chang) but the HUGE dependency of system sound on cable parameters can be avoided - unless you give up and admit that your goal is not to optimize the accuracy of sound reproduction but just to color the whole system according to your own whims ..make that..tastes.

Personally I think this is a goal worth working for (if achievable). The way forward would involve manufacturers taking a substantially more active position in determining system match for their own components and in publishing those data. Audiophiles can hardly be expected to do it, and nothing will happen when everyone insists that 'its all a matter of taste'.