Need New Cartridge Recommendation

The budget is under $200.00 for a new or used cartridge.Musical tastes are Rock/Pop/and Jazz.Here is the list of equipment..Pro-Ject 6.9, ADCOM 565, GTA SE-40, Klipsch Forte, PSS cable..I'm using a old Denon 301DL LO/MC now and the ADCOM just can't handle it.Looking for synergy and staying on the (warm) side of neutral.. "Happy New Year To All"
If I'd been the first person to respond to your thread, I would also have suggested the Shure V15VxMR. (One note: the Shure has an output of 3.0 mV, not 4-5 as noted above.) But, since I'm not the first, I'll add the other suggestion I would have made: one of the Grado cartridges that retail for $200-300. They have high output as well -- a bit more than the Shure -- and also offer good tracking.
Errata: The output of the Type V is less than 4-5 mV. It's around 2.5-3 mV. Still high enough, though.
A Stanton 881S that is dialed in and properly loaded will mop the floor with the Shure. The Stanton can be found for well under $200 brand new, making it the best buy in moving magnet cartridges on the market.

I will say that the newer Shure is a big step forward in comparison to their older ( and still highly respected and reviewed ) cartridges. If anyone is to buy a Shure cartridge and like it, i would HIGHLY suggest buying at least one replacement styli RIGHT AWAY. Shure has discontinued models in the past and stopped supplying replacement styli at the same time. Nothing like buying a product and then having NO factory support whatsoever. If you don't believe this, talk to the people that bought V15 Type IV's. Sean
A nice cartridge in ypur price range would be the Sumiko blue point special, around 2.5mv output and lists for $295 new but is usually discounted to the $225 range.
I might have to try one of those too. I only have experience with the old V15 typeIII. I wasn't thrilled with the sound of those. I couldn't afford to repalace my $800 moving coil with anything comperable(remodeling the money pit)so I got a Grado Platnum(VPI version). Sound is nice but I can't get it to track it's way out of a wet paper bag! Any suggestions. I had to crank up the tracking force way beyond what they reccomend(over 2 grams)and any more antiskate sucks the life out of the thing. Any one out there tried a Clearaudio MM?