A most unlikely cable convert

OK, here is a BIG win for those who know that different speaker wire sounds different! My dad is an electrical engineer of the 60's ilk. In EVERY sense of the word. You know the type, if it measures better, it is better, solid state measures better than tubes, wire is wire, blah, blah, blah. Of course, my collection of cables engenders reactions that range from ridicule to outright disgust. So tonight he was visiting, and he heard a jazz CD I was playing. Down To The Bone, "From Manhattan To Staten". Great CD, if anyone cares. He was mesmerized, thought it to be the best CD he's heard in years. My system has always drove him to disgust, "Tubes?!?". He couldn't get over how great the system sounded. The fact that he even admitted this after all these years was astounding enough. Then, I suggested the new speaker cables I am using to my mids/tweeters are a very poor match in my system(will be soon taking them out). His answer was, "BS!". So I switched the cables used for the woofers(AudioQuest Midnight) and the ones to the mids/tweeters. Instant difference for the better. And not insignificant. He could not only hear it, HE HAD TO ADMIT IT. So now one of the world's biggest cable naysayers has just become a convert. I hope all who still think "wire is wire" just open their ears the same way my father did tonight.
Oops I mean Trelja, and I chewed my son out last night for poor spelling on an English paper.
Oh boy,

I hope Steve reads this. Probably won't matter though - opinions on either side tend to be set in concrete. However, your dad's story does give one hope. OTOH, maybe he's just another convert to the legions of benighted (us) who are fooled into hearing differences ;).
Mike Vansevers who now makes Power Cords, Conditioners and Interconnects (all the stuff engineers hate) was one of those guys until he had a similar experience at an audio show many years ago. The realization hit him so hard, he became obsessed with why cables and power do matter and how. His experimental discoveries sent him into the business he once laughed at.
Hi Trelja, great story. This proves your Dad can hear the difference in different cable and that he has an open mind. If Stevem does read this it will make no difference to him at all. His mind may be open but it's from a gaping wound.
I am another EE convert from the "wire is wire" school. Still don't fully understand it but who cares? The sound is obviously our 'bottom line' not the need to understand the electrophysical reasons why. ex: You don't need to fully understand how a car works to be able to drive it, & it's still just as much fun.