Burn in time...Reality or something else???


It occurs to that whenever you get a new piece of electronics, speakers, cables or whatever they always seem to sound better after a short "burn-in" time?

Your eyes adapt to low light if you start working at night,

Your body gets used to hot temperatures,

Your sense of smell gets used to the smell of $h!t if you work with horses,

Why not our EARS???
Are they just adapting the new environment?
There have been some vigorous discussions about this on some other threads previously posted on this subject. You may want to refer to those to get some impressions.

It seems there are 2 camps in this. Those who feel it is definitely an equipment characteristic, and those who feel that it's a psychological thing, or simply the ears "getting used to the sound".

If the previous threads show anything about this, it seems that there isn't really any meeting of the minds on this particualar subject.

FWIW, my position is, that it is definitely an equipment thing, although I don't doubt that there is some adjusting of the ear to the sound. Others will disagree with me.
Our ears are by far the most sensitive organs we have. The eye only can guess: f.e. try to determine a distance from 3 meters away. You NEVER will get closer than an inch to the real distance. Now measure a musical octave which means doubling of the frequency. Even an untrained ear will hear a difference in tune/pitch of much much less than a quartertone! The ear's range is much superior to the eyes' range. If we could see with the ears's dynamics we would turn blind immediately....and so forth. That's why burning in any electronic device is a process of reality because it addresses our hearing. The better your high end system the more you hear the difference between new and burnt in!
Good luck - and just trust your ears!