Cardas Golden VS AQ Diamondx3. anybody?

Has anyone compared Cardas Golden Cross or GOlden Reference to Audioquest's Diamond interconnects?
The Audioquest Diamond is not in the same league with Cardas Golden Reference. Every time I got a new Golden Reference, I moved the Diamond to a less important position, and there was a significant improvement in smoothness and detail.
Mgottlieb, With some copper cables, there is a somewhat euphonic warming of the sound. WHat I love about silver is a lack of seemingly un-natural (but sometimes nice sounding, depending on the components) warmth. THe Diamond is very neutral , in my system, at least, which is CD based, and all tube. I am not looking for a tone control fix, but am interested in the Golden Reference as another excellent interconnect, which, might sound better in my system. WHat specifically, did you like about the Cardas GR that the Diamond didn't do for you, and also, which Diamond did you have?
I compared the Cardas GR to Diamond Extreme and the Cardas was a bit nicer (smoother, warmer, as much detail). But the used diamond extreme won for the cost factor. Apples to apples, compare Cardas GR with the AQ Anaconda -- I prefer the Anaconda.
Had Diamond X3 and Golden Reference at one point, could not figure out why GR sounds so muddy and constraint. Diamond seems to open up the sound and details quite a bit in my system, overall more musical. I also hear more depth and dimension. I have heard rumor Golden Cross is actually better than Golden Reference.
Please excuse me for introducing another cable to this discussion: Goertz Sapphire (flat & silver).
My system is presently wired all Cardas; it's also tube and CD based.
However, auditioning a Sapphire in place of my Golden Ref between CD and preamp yielded a wider soundstage, more detail and fullness of sound.--Marc