Looking for a used Tuner to clearly pull in stations from Los Angeles, I am approx 130 miles south and currently have a MacIntosh 1700 receiver which has a tube tuner. I have a FanFare SC-1 whip antenna which gets the station I want only marginally. I can't put up a roof antenna and I don't want to spend $300 for the Audio Prism 7ft indoor antenna. I am sure the Mac 1700 tuner is not equal in alternate channel selectivity or signal rejection to many tuners made after 1980. Appreciate all opinions and input. Thanks, Jimbo
Talk to a TV/FM tech that knows your area. Then buy a Magnum 108 Tuner and put up the best stacked FM anetnna..ie: Finco FM-4, APS, Wingard(sp?)...etc...and enjoy.
Talk to a TV/FM tech that knows your area. Then buy a Magnum 108 Tuner and put up the best stacked FM antenna..ie: Finco FM-4, APS, Winegard(sp?)...etc...and enjoy.
Watch for a 'Fanfare FT 1-A ' tuner used or a new "Lite" AND you really need a good FM antenna. I have both and I listen 85% to NYC area Free Music as good as CD !
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