Old Newbie has questions on turntables.

I have not used a turntable since I was 20. Im now 45 . I have a credit at a local hi end shop which I am going to use for a turntable. They stock two models. One is a Thorens TD190 List price 559.95, the other a NAD 533 list price 499.95. The dealer , whom I have no reason to distrust swears the NAD is a better turntable...Any thoughts on that..............

Number 2 is I can either place the turntable convienently 12 feet away from my preamp, however of course I would have to use extension cables , {and extra grounding wire ? } or I can build a shelf much closer to my preamp. The question on this one is that running an extended grounding wire would pass through my interconnects that I use for my redbook Cd, DVD. etc. and I dont want any sort of electrical interference compromising my other components. Any thoughts on this. ? Thanks guys.
I don't like either TT, but would lean to the NAD if there's no other choice. The Thorens is an autimatic unit w/ an inexpensive tonearm. You could do much better by going into used or something with an upgrade path. You know what I would suggest. Hey, I got mine new for $450 & the fluid damper for $150. Can't beat that...

Keep Tonearm IC runs as short as possible.
You can always try the extension cable, and then build the shelf if that proves unsatisfactory. (Do not spend a lot of time and money trying different cables, however; build the shelf.)

The NAD does not have a ground wire, by the way. I bought one some years ago, and the lift mechanism was overlubricated, which meant the stylus never quite got all the way down. Don't know if that's still a problem, although it's quite fixable if it is.

For what it's worth, I tried a different Thorens before I bought the NAD. Your dealer might make more money on the NAD, but that doesn't mean he's not right.
I have heard some grumblings that the new Thorens TD 190 is not as good as older Thorens. So I, too, would suggest the NAD 533.

The NAD 533 is more or less the Rega P2, with a different name.

One other advantage of the NAD is that it has a Rega arm, which can take a wide range of cartridges. I don't know about the Thorens, but I'd suspect that it wouldn't be as flexible.

As for setup, I've heard that it is a no-no putting a turntable further from the phono stage than the arm cable allows. This is a particular concern with a moving magnet cartridge, since a mm is affected by capacitance.

Good luck!
Darryl, I like the NAD too. When you get it, try a Goldring cartridge, like a 1012gx, or 1022. They are around $200 and make a nice match for the NAD, without spending a fortune. Don't let the salesman put a Grado on that TT! That combination very commonly results in a hum when the arm is on the record, especially near the inner grooves. A Goldring is nice, and has no such synergy problems with the NAD. If you want to spend more on the cartridge, try a Goldring 1042, or a Dynavector 10x4.
Darrly,you should build a wallshelf close to your preamp for you new NAD table and the cartridges Twl suggested
sound very good.

Let us know if your preamp has a moving magnet only or does it have a moving coil input also. If you have been reading the recent threads you will see I suggest for the best low budget cartridges Audio Technica -440ml if you need a moving magnet(MM) cartridge. If your pre amp will accept moving coils (MC) then the Audio Technica atc OC9 or the Dennon 103R. These 2 models are low output moving coils and you need to have a phono section with a lot of gain to drive them.(but worth it)