Interconnects & XLR cables for Bryston Amp/Preamp

I have a Bryston 4B ST amp and BP 25 preamp. After getting great information on some ZU Wax speaker cables form the Audiogon participants, I was wondering if there are any suggestions to bring out a little more detail using interconnects and XLC cables. I have Synergistic XLR cables and various interconnects. I have a Meridian 508.24 CD player. The ZU Wax improved the detail and dramatically opened up the sound stage so I am just trying to squeeze out a little more. Any suggestions?
I used to have the BP-25/4B-ST combo and I didn't like silver running between them preferring good quality copper ics like Coincident Technologies and then moving onto Maple Audio Works ics.

BTW, I also used Wax in the past and be prepared for an extremely long break-in period - bout drove me nuts!!!
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I don't like silver with my bryston either, like Tvad I had too much detail. Ruined the fun of half my cd collection! With the cables I've played with though, silver seems the way to go for hyper detail. I would make sure you can enjoy your poorly recorded favorite disks though before I would go for more detail.

Tvad, hope you got the system going in the right direction then. The turthlinks worked great from my cd to Pre. Now I'm stuck since I have a vinyl rig that tends a bit warm and don't want to over do it in that direction with the pre to amp connection. Tone controls would be a bit simpler :-(

I am going to let my ZU cables burn in and try the Truthlinks in about a month. Thanks.
I used Bryston's own balanced cable (Belden) when my set up was BP25 to 7BST monoblocks. Sounded good and neutral. Also used Tara Labs Air 2 balanced between Meridian 508.24 CD player and BP25 and this was much improved over the Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling single ended cable used previously. Air 2 is a bargain, at least for that combination.