Tubes for ARC LS15 Preamp

I've read a lot of comments re: upgrading the tubes that are issued with the LS15. It's time for me to replace mine and was wondering if I should replace with a different brand. Can anyone make a suggestion? I am using a SS ARC 100.2 amp if that makes a difference.

I am in exactly the same situation as you, so I will be very interested in reading your responses.

Good luck,

I don't know if this will help but I bought a LS-25 about a month ago and have tried 3 different tube set in it (the original Sovtech(sorry about he spelling), Phillip's JAN's6922 and some Tungsram's ECC88 I think.
The Tungsram's are by far the best sounding top to bottom. The stock tubes aren't to bad and the Phillips were the worst(a distance third). I was supprised by the poor sound of the Philips as these have been recommend by some other people.
I have had good results on retubing my SP9 and later my
LS22 with Upscale Audio.(You can visit their website to get phone number.