Greatest sonic impact: cables or ICs

I have reasonable equipment (thiel and classe) and am looking at upgrading my speaker cables (20 ft audioquest type 4) and interconnects (musical concept superconnects). However, the cost can quickly get out of hand. Which has the greater impact on sound speaker cables or interconnects?
Speaker cables. I run the biOval 9's, but understand HTech is darn nice too. Rather than duplicate my thoughts on this subject here, check out the thread covering much the same ground entitled "Please help-speaker cables, interconnects" started also on 4-7-01, where I explain myself. Hope it helps.
You may find some of Audioquest's older stuff for cheap at your local dealer or here on Audiogon. They recently changed their whole construction to Perfect Surface instead of regular high purity copper and silver. I got a good deal on some Sterling (50% off) and the sound change was so dramatic you would have thought I upgraded a component. Try to locate some Audioquest Crystal if you want to save your money. It's not the latest and greatest, but it is night and day better than Type 4. Happy shopping.
harmonic tech nologies are great cables. I sold all my transparent ultras and replaced them with harmonics. great cable at a great price.