Basis Model 2100 vs Michell Orbe SE II

I am considering the Purchase a Michell Orbe SE II Turntable, but have recently started looking into the Basis Model 2100 only for the reason that I may be able to purchase this model at a good price.

The Michell table is brand new sealed box while the basis is a dear demo used model. The basis included a rega arm while the Michell would require me to purchase the tonearm separately.

If I were to normalize the pricing for comparisons, the Michell would set me back about $1300.00 more then the used Basis. This takes into account the fact that the new Michell table is more expensive and would require the purchase of a tonearm.

Which is the better turntable; the Basis Model 2100 or the Michell Orbe SE II?

Which one do you think is the better deal ?

I love my Basis 2001 and have heard great music from various Michell tables. I don't think you could go wrong either way. The Rega arm is a limitation, but dealers often offer trade-ups. I have never gotten around to upgrading the Rega on my 2001, although I've heard that certain arms provide extraordinary improvement.
My advice would be to buy the Basis. Then, send what is already a darn good arm to Origin Live, and let them convert it into something that apparently can compete with the super arms, and for a reasonable cost.( No offense to the Michell which is a great table, it's just that I think your budget will allow you to go farther sonically with the Basis, which is really built to last as well. It would be interesting to know what cartridge you'll be using, and perhaps you can share that with us. Personally, I don't think I can recommend a "flavor", but a good "chef" would be Benz Micro.
Have not heard the Orbe, but owned the 2100 and was extremely happy with it. I've since upgraded to the 2500 and my ultimately go to the Debut V. Basis allows full retail credit on all trade-ins for upgrade.

Having said all that, after seeing (not hearing) the new Clearaudio Champion at a local dealer yesterday, that would certainly be on my short list. The one I saw had a double chassis and a massive platter and was $2200. I understand that Clearaudio also allows full retail credit on upgrades.

Both tables are distributed by Musical surroundings

Clearaudio doesn't use suspension, which is always an option with Basis, so that might be a consideration.