Which flat spkr. cable to use

I need to connect B&W 802 matrix to Lev. 383 with some flat speaker cables about 7' long. I intend to run under the wall to wall carpet and in one place the cable will be stepped on by people walking on the carpet. All responses would be welcome! Thanks....Bob
Ag insider logo xs@2xsnooker14
As we've been through this before with the Analysis Plus, speaker cables ( like any other component of the system ) are a personal thing and quite system dependent.

Having gotten that disclaimer out of the way, i found the AP Oval 9's to be EXTREMELY over-rated. They didn't do well compared to other comparably priced cables ( Goertz MI-2, Kimber 8TC, etc...) let alone against cables that were measurably more money. Obviously others have had different findings within the context of their likings and systems. I have not tried Nordost in any of my systems, so can't comment on their speaker cable within that price range. Sean
Nordost is good for the money. Kimber used to make a flat cable, but I don't know if they still do. I use Kimber 8TC with my B&Ws, but I guess that won't work for you.

Have you thought about the Electra Glide speaker cables? They use custom flat ribbons from Alpha Core Goertz.
Thank-you all for your input. I would like to try several of the suggestions here before I decide.