Ariston Tunrtable

I have bought a Ariston RD-11E turntable recently in a pawn shop and was wondering if any of our fellows audiophile have had any experience with this turntable ( Does it sound great, what type of cartridge do you use with this table) I was also looking for the schematics because I am planing to rebuild the power supply with better parts.

That's a great table. I used to have one and a linn lp12 at the same time. It's in the same league. I used a grace arm and cartridge at the time...
I had an RD11S, I don't remember the difference bewteen the S and the E but mine sounded very good. I was using a SME III with a nude mounted EMT XSD15 moving coil, killer combo for the time(1978-83)! Mine did need to have the motor lubricated from time to time to keep it working correctly.
Great Table, Owned One Years ago, with a SME III Arm, Killer Combo, I sold table, minus the Arm & kept it as Spare. If yours' is setup for Series III arm, Drop me a Line.
How to get power to my RD11 ?
I have an Ariston RD11, which I haven't used in 10 years. The power supply was via a two pin flat plug inserted into the back of my old Rotel amp - now in the tip. My new amp doesn't have a socket. I'm ready to re-explore my vinyl collection, so how do I get power to my deck?
Can anybody help ?