Has anyone heard the new LAMM L2 preamp?

I presently own a pair of LAMM 1.1 monoblock amplifiers and am considering the purchase of a new preamp. Has anyone tried the new Lamm Referance L2 preamp in there systems? I am also considering the CAT ULTIMATE preamp which is my second choice and is far less money.Your help would be appreciated!
If you thought that your M1.1s are great, you're in for an amazing surprise with the L2. Aside from best amplifiers in the world, Lamm also make the best preamps around. They're really light years ahead of everything else. Of course as Manhattan's Lamm dealer I'm very biased, to the point that Lamm is the ONLY electronics we carry!
Forget the Aesthetix junk, unless your idea of fun is to play "find the bad tube" once a week. Friends that have owned them say these things are a NIGHTMARE to deal with. Stick with Lamm preamps when using their amps or you're short-changing yourself.....
DKarmeli, I am looking into the Sonic Frontiers Phono One SE
at the moment. But will consider other phono stages.
I have never enjoyed the SF products. The Aesthetix I/O is one of the best, especially if you use low output cartridges. The CAT also has a fairly nice phono stage already built into the ultimate.