Absolutely Amazing RIP OFF OFFER

Please step up to the podium for a quick rape, oh I mean deal. I am selling an Absolutely great deal. For a simple $29.73 I will give you three web sites where you can purchase an unlimited amount of Amazing, hospital grade, green dot power cords for less than $2.50! Yes this is no joke, for a mer $42.61 I'll give you the Hong-Kong supplier, the Australian supplier and the Japanese supplier. You can not do any better than this folks, please hurry, there are only 1,360,000,000 left in supply.
Talk about snake oil, All kidding aside, search power cord in your browser and you'll find some Amazing cords. Absolutely true!
Above, please find what jadestick meant to say, er, I mean, what jadestick already said.
Could some one please explain exactly what this discussion is actually about? The context, the facts, etc. Not knowing the issue itself makes it hard to wade through the sarcasm vs. the actual situation. Thanks!
This is all about power cords. Hospital grade power cords used for audio. It seems some people have discovered a great deal, some folks think these hospital grade OEM cords are a bargain at the prices of $49, or $39. I wanted to point out that there are a lot of choices in hospital grade OEM cords available in quantity for less than $3.00. And in that the advertiser wanted us to save our money and buy these at $39 instead of audio cords for $100 or even thousands, I thought I'd help them in there "saving" us audiophile idiots by showing some competitors cords. If these work out we all can save millions. You all can thank me by simply paypaling me the extra you wanted to spend and find these sites on the Internet.
This is called BUSTED!!!!!
I think I've made a few people (dealers) here mad. That wasn't my intent, wink, wink. I'm guessing they will try to get me kicked off AudiogoN for this.
BEWARE!!!!! NOTHING IS SO GREAT AS TO BE 5% of the cost of other products. If you want to try hospital grade cords, please look them up on the Internet and pay $3.00 not $39.00.
Kalan, I'm helping guys like you from spending $40.00 too much. Power cords make a difference, that I believe is a fact. If it is true that hospital grade cords will improve your system, go for it, but be aware that they are $3.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and thank-you Jadestick, "man of a thousand names on AudiogoN" for pointing out that I have a Electra-glide Fatboy for sale for $715, I do like the extra press. I'll even go on to say I'm selling it because I bought a NBS Statement to replace it. That's a $3000 cord retail, so yes I'm one of the biggest audio idiots and damn proud I might add