A most neutral and transparent power cord

Hi.I have been reading all the interesting topics about cables for the past while.Can i get you votes for a most neutral and transparent PC for around 200 new or used...THANKS!!!
I got a Bogdan pc, advertized here, some two weeks ago. It is getting very impressive although it continues to break-in. It has always been very dynamic but lacked the detail of more expensive pcs, but increasingly it is gathering detail and sound stage precision in imaging. At $390 for a 6 footer this may not only be a best buy but also the best. It uses three solid silver wires and Furatek plugs. If it ever stops improving, I will say more.
I give my thumbs up to Michael Wolff cords, Eichmann Express AC and the Bogdan AC.
Cryogenics International in Scottsdale will cryo your cables for you but I don't recommend it. I built 2 cords exactly the same, one was cryoed and one not. The cryoed one sounded a touch smoother it also had a loss of resolution. Others have conveyed similar results.
Oh my God! I just sent yesterday two Absolute power cords and two Power Ports to Cryogenics International!
RE: Corona & Psychicanimal:

One, inconclusive report? Were the cables ever fully, and/or properly conditioned? Was this experience upon first listen? Or after *both* cables had sufficient time in your system? This report is completely unreliable, giving no foundation or reference for evaluation. A "loss of resolution" compared to what? One of the hallmarks of cryogenic treatment IS increased resolution. That has been my experience *in every case*.

"Others have conveyed similar results."

Au contraire. Nonsense. I've experienced NO LOSS of information......quite the opposite, and have never heard of such a loss with any of the people who have used Cryo International. Just the opposite....people have thanked me over and over for the referral. I've been dealing with Cryo International for well over one year, and have had 100% success with them, and their process. So have quite a number of well-recognized audio companies......Audio Magic, Shunyata, Aurios, Silversmith, Dedicated Audio, and others. In fact, sales of their products are strong because of high customer satisfaction. Loss of resolution, indeed.

Such short-term, inconclusive remarks, in my view, are irresponsible. And Psychicanimal......you sent the cabling directly to ME, not to Cryogenics International. This was done as a favor, so you would avoid the $75 minimum, by combining your cables with one of my orders. Let's have the facts straight. They'll be returned to you in due course, without treatment.