Tuner in the 600 range for classical music?

I am a classical musician and would like to record my performances from the local classical music station in Cleveland. Which tuners could be recommended in the $400-$800 new or used. The rest of my system is Onix, Cambridge Audio, and B&W.
I am looking for a tuner to pull in a strong and very clear signal. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Even tho there are some tuners that will d x better, for classical music, assuming you have a relitively strong signal, I would opt for one of the Magnum Dynalab tuners. You could get a used 101 and if you could stretch your budget a little, an Etude......
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I have an MD FT101A and have had good luck using it for classical music. Be sure to get a good antenna. The MD Signal Sleuth can improve reception for weak stations, though it requires some effort.

When I first got it, the FT101A sounded better than my older model CD player for strong classical music stations. Needless to say, this motivated another round of upgrades. . . . But I kept the FT101A.