Speaker Cable for Tube SET System?

I would like some (tried and true) recommendations for speaker cable. My concern other than overall sound is bass control (damping and what effects it, if this is a part of the wire puzzle). The system is: Audion Silver Night 300B stereo version (7.5 watts), Reynaud Twin speakers, CAL Icon MKII with Bel Canto DAC, Mapleshade Digital IC, Homegrown Super Silver analog IC, BMI Whale PC's and two Monster HTS2000 power conditioners. The only two cables that I am considering at this time are: the Mapleshade Single or Double Helix and Analysis Plus Oval 12. I can get by with 10 ft runs, but would prefer to have 12 footers to cover any future reconfigurations (or to use them in a second system as time goes by) and would like to keep the cost at $300 and under. I am currently using Kimber 4VS and would like a more natural sound than they seem to offer in this setup, plus bass control as mentioned before. I will probably only audition two to three cables at the most and or buy and then sell used if I hear no improvement. Thanks.
Leafs, I can use all of the "paisans" I can find on this site. My family is from southern Italy, which is the case for most Italian-Americans. The migration was from the late 1800's to the mid 1920's, when our ancestors came here to escape the poverty of the south. Of course, that came to a close with the immigration act of the mid 20's. There were just too many Italians, Jews, Polish, Russians, and Ukranians coming over. I am a third generation Italian. My father's side is from Abruzzi - Molise(Teramo and Campobasso), and my mother's side is from Calabria. My only regrets are that I didn't get enough of my father's genes(his 6'3" height, black hair, or dark skin). Toronto is an interesting, diverse, and wonderful city. Been there twice. I once was up in Tottenham, which is obviously a very different place than "the other side", which was what my grandfather called his homeland. Hope Brulee is proud to be a paisano.
I am proud to be an honorary paisano and to be in such good company.
I am with Dekay. The OTA kit of ICs and speaker cable is the best wire I have heard. It works with SS as well as it does with tubes if anybody cares. I will post more when I can get someone who can translate my thoughts into more comprehensible terms. Before you spend a bundle of $$$ check this stuff out first.
Trelja, how does Trelja's row sound? Much better than pile Don't you think? Thanks again, I love it.
Brulee, whatever it is called is less important to me than you enjoying it. Trelj'a Pile, Stack, Row, etc. All are fine with me. I think I will start a thread in the music section soon that lists those CD's, updated every month. If others bought them and also liked them if would make us all have one more thing in common. I am happy that you are enjoying the OTA cable. Don't worry that it is cheap, simple, thin, or whatever. If it sounds good, it passes the most important test. I am actually not at all surprised by your reaction to this cable. It is just one more step down my "simpler is better" philosophy. Enjoy the cable, and be happy that you have found the joy, purity, and long term happiness that simplicity brings.
Trelja,what where you doing in Tottenham.The only thing ther is F&P MFG and not much else.
Its pretty hard to beat Dh Labs Silver Sonic T-14 speaker
cable ( at its price ). It is about $4 a foot and does
everything well.