Help setting up cartridge VTA

I have a question about what is the proper angle for the verticle tracking on a stylus? My turntable is a Sota Star Sapphire, the tonearm is a SME IV, and my cartridge is a Benz LO 4. I don't have any documentation for the cartridge and the tonearm, so I thought my analog friends here might help. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have adjusted the height of the tonearm a little and found that the results are impresive.
Tony, I'm afraid VTA is usually adjusted by ear.If too low the highs will start to disappear,too high and your harmonic structure will be lean.Usually piano or small jazz ensembles work best,though drums aren't bad.Watch the transient edge definition alter as you move up and down.There will be a proper weighting, good detail and air when you are close.The final tuning will depend on your system and room. Good luck! Tom
Tony, I usually do it by ear. Set the tonearm/cartridge up so it is level when it is on the record. Then, remove it from the record, and raise the VTA adjustment very slightly. Make note of where you adjusted it to. Listen to the record. Play around with it in very small increments till you get the best sound. Do not go with a setting that lets the pivot end of the tonearm get below level with the cartridge. This will cause a poor sound that I call "screaming". Usually, a setting with the pivot end just a few hairs above level is in the ballpark. Remember this can change when you play different thicknesses of records.
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