Power Cord Challenge

I've got a couple of weeks off before starting a new job. As I clearly fall into the camp of those who suspect no purely audible differences exist (except in pathologic cases of too-small cords or RFI interference), here's a challenge:

If you live in the San Jose, CA area, let's get together and put this to the test. Your system, your choice of music, I supply a stock power cord to test against your exotic. We play both cords blind (identified as A and B) for a reasonable amout of time; I then play one of the two (randomly chosen through a coin flip) for a reasonable amount of time and you identify it as either A or B. We'll do 10 trials for some statistical significance.

Given that some claim drastic and easily heard differences ("blacker background", "music is more alive", etc., etc., etc.), it should be trivial to get right and shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes per trial. The kicker: you get 9 or 10 right and I'll give you $500! The downside: 8 or less correct and you donate $250 to the Red Cross. Hey, I'm even giving you 2 for 1 odds!

Regardless of the outcome, we post the results to this site. Any takers?

JHunter, I live 10 minutes southwest of San Jose and will bring the wine in exchange for a ducat to sit in on the event, if you ever find a taker. Of course, the wine will have to wait until AFTER the ballots are cast so as not to unduly influence the outcome!! :-)
Jhunter, about two months ago I was in your camp. I thought power cords were pure snake oil. A friend of mine kept telling me what a difference they made so I decided to buy a Virtual Dynamics Power 2 Cryo. I knew I could sell it and not take much of a bath if it didn't work out.

Forget the 9 out of 10 right. I promise you I could get 10 out of 10. And so could you if you were listening to my system. I can't speak for any other system, but this wouldn't even be a contest in my system. The difference is that dramatic.

Look, I have been listening to my same system for a long time. I know what it sounds like. When I installed the PC, it was like I had upgraded one of my components. I wasn't so impressed the first few days. The detail, sounstage, the clarity, etc., sounded better, but not dramatic. But I left the cord on 24/7, burning in for about two weeks and then it was a night and day difference.

Anyway, you don't have to do a shootout. Just spend about $300 on a decent cord and find out. Some are better than others I suspect, but I am thrilled with mine.

Even my wife, who never listens critically, made the comment as she was passing through the room, "Whatever you have been fiddling with now(tweaking), don't change it, it has never sounded this good."

All I changed was the power cord. Well, that's not true exactly. I had to install an IEC on my CDP to use my new power cord. I used silver wire and an Acme Silver Cryoed IEC. Simultaneously, I installed an Acme Silver Plated Cryoed 20 amp wall outlet. So I can't give all the credit to the PC, but I suspect that you would be just as skeptical of the Acme outlet, as well.

Try a good cord that other people have reported success with and find out for yourself. In my system, it was as dramatic as upgrading a component for a mere $300.
BTW, you said you want to supply the stock cord. I can't speak to what you refer to as your stock cord and maybe it is relatively good. I can only comment on the stock cord that came on my CDP vs. the VD power cord.

I know it is rhetorical to say I would take your challenge since I am on Maui, but I could easily win your bet using the stock cord that came on my CDP vs. the upgraded cord.
