Time to get things straight.

Every person that states the Technics 1200 is THE best TT in its price class risks himself to getting Flack from the belt drive crowd. I have posted that Thorstens speaks highly of it and here's some of his quotes as posted in the Asylum:

"And yes, the 1200 with a better arm is dynamite. Even stock with minimal tweaks it's an easy Rega P2/3 killer."

"So don't knock it if you don't know it. A Rega Planar is a cheap bearing and Motor stuck into a piece of MDF, the engineering content for all intents is ZERO. The only worthwhile thing on the Rega is the Arm."


And from Steven Rochlin:

"Hmmmm... I DO AGREE that the 1200 does not have the overall "ultimate" PRAT of my VOYD setup (or a finely tweaked Linn LP12), though overall it really does have nice, smooth, consistant PRAT that blows away even the $20k+ Goldmund Reference and the like. Maybe the 1200 does not the worlds best PRAT, but DARN good. Over 10,000 dance clubs around the world prove it virtually every night."

"The Technics SL-1200 in its various offerings are EXCELLENT!!! Do not listen to those "belt drive only" folks. Wonder if they know that the highly praised Goldmund STUDIO turntable was direct drive? Anyway, the 1200 is probably THE BIG BARGAIN in turntable land. Great motor, good platter, built to take a lickin' and keep on tickin' (with apologies to Timex, whose watches ALWAYS broke after a month for me).

"Over the MANY years I have used more than i care to remember 1200 tables at MANY clubs. They ALL worked flawlessly and even after all the, er, um, abuse of back scratching and needle dropping and vinyl dropping they just kept going and going. IMHO there is pretty much nothing on the new market under $800 that comes near the 1200 in speed stability, drive, and overall PRAT (pace, rhythm and timing). Given the right needle i can only see great things UNTIL you get the upgrade itch and go for a used Linn LP12 or VOYD. Besides, what other "audiophile" table would you play Led Zeppelin backwards to hear all those Satanic messages? Oh how about ELO backwards to hear the secret message?"


Wake up, people!!!

So much for glass and particle board...
Maraknetz ... that's why the TT doesn't cost much more than the arm. What's your answer to Ohlala's question ?

If you're comparing a P3 with a Sondek that's not really a very sensible comparison.
can't you guys have these conversations in a more civil manner?

Hey, with music and sound there is no right or wrong. These threads confuse me when people say this or that is "the best ever" or for that matter "the worst ever".

If someone enjoys their Bose isn't that all that really matters? If they don't see the reason to spend thousands more, in their mind/ear/heart, because the difference, if any, is not worth it, who cares? They are still music lovers and I think we should all have a group hug and not be so nasty.

Hey, I have a friend who is a ture music enthusiast and has thousands of 45s, LPs, and CDs which he has spent years collecting. He spends several hundred dollars a month on new music and is one of the most knowledgeable people I know on almost any music subject. He goes to live concerts several times a month and is constantly looking for the unknown stars. He has a web radio site "musicaljustice" (go to live365.com – his station is mostly Alternative Country his latest interest---better than you might expect if you aren’t familiar with it). He originally started collecting #1 hits on 45s and has everyone stretching back, I think, into the 50s and up to when he couldn't get them anymore. Now I say this to say that he has the most worthless junk equipment – no name crap from hither and yon – way worse than the Sony boom box I bought my daughter 5 years ago. He is happy, he likes his music, and it isn’t important to him to spend money on equipment.

Now for me, I think man, you owe it to yourself to get at least an entry level "high-end" system, but he just doesn’t care. And you know what…that’s ok.

Same thing in these forum threads. Opinions are like !#$!$ (well you know) everyone has one. It doesn’t matter. If the Techniques is good to one person then God Bless the guy/gal. If it is Bose, then so be it. I have heard some Bose stuff that is actually pleasant…I can see why the normal consumer public is taken by it…it isn’t ALL marketing (although they are the best marketers). Now Bose wouldn’t suit me and if I could steer a friend or family member away I would but if they are satisfied great! The Bose guy in this thread made a good decision…for him. :)

There is another side to this. It is for those who are happy with less expensive stuff or stuff that the mainstream phile would usually consider bogus. Its no better for them to thumb their noses at the stupid philes who are all caught up with industry hype, show, and spending money at “the expense of the real truth…music.” Hey if a guy/gal wants a Rockport TT and 80k speakers, etc then God bless him/her if he/she can make it happen. I just hope both sides are satisfied. After all, isn’t this the real trick…contentment and fun. It isn’t big or little, expensive or cheap, SS or tube, analog or digital, CD or Redbook it is about having fun (however you define it) and being content in the pursuit.

I say, lets all just step back a pace and appreciate that we all have a potentially great hobby weather it is music only or gear only or both. Remember we are all a village…no wait, that is a different speech. :)

Can’t we all just get along….

The group hug guy,
I hope you were not refering to my post as I really don't care what people like. Like all avangelists Psychicanimal likes to polarize the issue and i think his motives are based less on fact than on justification. That is what spurred my comment. In the past, i have read these forums and have noted that whithin them there is a fairly even balance between people who prefer Technics and the people who prefer the Rega-types from people who have heard both. Too bad their opinions also are very black and white. There are some who dismiss the Technics w/out having heard one, and i think that is ridiculus, but this thread is just as ridiculus. I don't see the point in constantly rehashing this issue, especially on this site where so few even own a Technics. What do you expect everyone to do? Say, 'Oh damn I own a P3! I like it, but I better go out and buy a Technics because Thorsten and some DJs say its better." You're not proving anything, Psychicanimal, get over it.
...Can't say anything about SL1200 but the other Technics DJ TT(don't remember the precise model number) with DME3009 S-shaped tonearm even hooked up with Sumiko BP didn't impress me at all. My friend used to be a DJ and now he's getting step-by-step a home 2ch. He's replaced his Technics table with vintage Oracle Alexandria(now that's a great performer!) So as you see I can't be SL1200 or DD enthusiast.

Let's have a case with no such sencitive as P3/Sondek comparison and compare instead Rega 25/RB600 with Sondek/basic or VPI HW19/RB250 and see what wins.
Or simply what will be better having Rega 9/RB250 or Rega P3/RB900? In the last case if you will invest the difference between RB900 and RB250 towards the cartridge you will certainly be on the higher level of performance.

What I mean is that the Rega decks very often logically "factor out" like in algebraic fractions on the market, meaning that by getting a cheaper arm and the better table you will benefit much more than the other way arround.

I didn't mean to hurt people that deside to stay with P3 or other Regas and pleased with it's performance. I've just made a conclusions from my research and experiments made within a couple of years.
Bravo cd. It's a hobby with lots of opinions because there are no two ears, systems or acoustics which are alike. Psychicanimal, could you share what kind of wood you are using. I'm in the process of putting a platform together and would love to learn more about my options. Thanks.