Turntable help Please

I am seriously considering getting back into analog. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated...would it be worth the time to try out my old turntable from college (26 years). It is a Philips Electronic 777 Direct Control. It is on a suspended table and is belt controlled. Interconnects are non-detachable - is it possible to change out the tonearm? Is it worth investing in a decent cartridge? Does anyone do mods on old turntables? I don't presently have a phone stage only a line stage (CJ premier 14). Thanks for any suggestions...This table sounded good back them but that was when I was into music and not an audiophile!!!
Thanks everyone - great advice. Right now I'm searching for 90% of my old albums - they might have been lost in a move 4 years ago - I'm gonna be pissed!
Pops, Do yourself a favor and toss the old table. One of the more recent AR's is a big improvement over that one.....
I would suggest a Rega planar 2 used. Should be able to get it for around 200.00 with arm and there is very little to set up on it.
Going with the Rega cart....(are they still available??) is a good thing.
Under 500.00 and you are 90% of the way to an analog set costing 6,000.00 :>)
Good eye Gumbydammit - plus I can't find my freakin Albums, besides I've been at this long enough that I would dive in full body if I go analog - why would I cheat myself with mid-fi analog when I've had excellent playback with digital. probably hold off since I'm missing about 200 albums and found only 30...i guess there are bigger problems in the world. Thanks everyone for the advice.
Hey Pops, before you sign off records, realize that they are the cheapest way of trying out "kind of recent" music. Plus, there are all kinds of sources for records ranging from eBay to thrift shops.

Without wanting to start a big fight, I would also suggest that mid-fi phono and records will rival and surpass many good CD players and typical CDs.