tuners under 1000?

I'm new to the tuner game, mostly because I hate listening to commercials. I also didn't realize how good radio sounds coming through a high end system until recently.

Can anyone suggest a good tuner under $1000? It would be nice to find a tube tuner, since the rest of my system is tube. Any suggestions?
Power cords are a new thing (1990s). Most old gear of any type has a toaster cord. I have a simple Kenwood T6500 in one system. These can be had for around $50/$60. Sounds much better than most under $400 digital tuners.
I have been seriously considering buying a used Sansui. I know people regard the 717 as being a good model. But how about the 517, or the 317? Does anyone have experience with them? Are they analog?
KT_88, yes they are analog. I have a Sansaui 717, though I am not using it, the little I have, it deserves the credit it gets, if you don't mind a larger tuner.

Talk with Don Scott about a 517, he told me not long ago he had one he modded and he was very impressed with it.
Cool, except I don't have a clue how to contact Don Scott :) Can you give me a hint?
LOL - Sorry about that, Don's e-mail is bdscott@nac.net. You can also find info on him at the Tuner site http://www.geocities.com/tunerinfo/ (FWIW, Don used to review for S-phile, he now mods and sells tuners.)

Is it just me or is the Tuner site down every once in awhile, causing you to come back later...anyone?