Recommendations for Shielded Power Cord

I plan to use two powered subwoofers in my system and they will be positioned on the same plane as my speakers. Unfortunately that means the power cord for the subwoofers will run parallel to my speaker cables.

Is there an available powercord which is shielded enough that this will not cause a problem?
I bought 8 shielded 14/3 heavy-duty Belden 6 foot PCs at a yard sale recently. Send me a $10 bill and I'll ship you one. Call for address, as my email is down. Ern
781 483-3922
Hey Ernie, How is it going my friend? I need 8 footers for this application. I have two Velodyne HGS-12 subs located in each corner of my room. Unfortunately the 6 footers will not work.

I am also looking in to having an electrician put outlets in the corners as a possible solution.

Have you purchased a GOOD power cord for your EMC-1 Mk II yet? I'm at the King Cobra V2 and it's phenomenal! Well worth the cash.

Hi Bry,
Just finished cutting up our Arts & Crafts 300 lb rack, so measured holes for my Aleph while sitting on a Neuance shelf.
Bought a Harm Tech Pro-Silway AC11 at the same time.
Not sure, but I'd say the loss of the Neuance under the EMC-1 MkII is more important han the PC as the presentation seems a little rougher! I'll know better after I get the second Neuance and can then perform a proper trial of the two PCs.
PS EC has raised the export price of the 24/192 emc-1 to $2800. Still a good deal, though. I may try to get MkII DACs for under $600 if anyone wants one. Try the Neuance, Bry. For $150 it may be a better investment than python-oil.

I think I will try the Neuance. Lots of people say great things about that platform.

I see you are still scared of the snakes huh? The difference a Shunyata cord (anything except the Sidewinder) makes to your system is NOT something you have to sit and listen to try and hear the difference. There is NOTHING subtle about it. Listening to music with the removal of digital hash is quite astonishing and really helps digital freaks understand why so many still love vinyl.

The HT cord is no comparison to even a Black Mamba. With your Verity's you might like the Python the best.
