Hi Bry,
Just finished cutting up our Arts & Crafts 300 lb rack, so measured holes for my Aleph while sitting on a Neuance shelf.
Bought a Harm Tech Pro-Silway AC11 at the same time.
Not sure, but I'd say the loss of the Neuance under the EMC-1 MkII is more important han the PC as the presentation seems a little rougher! I'll know better after I get the second Neuance and can then perform a proper trial of the two PCs.
PS EC has raised the export price of the 24/192 emc-1 to $2800. Still a good deal, though. I may try to get MkII DACs for under $600 if anyone wants one. Try the Neuance, Bry. For $150 it may be a better investment than python-oil.