Cable suggestions? Opinions needed...

I'm looking for ICs and speaker cable for my first good system... I know next to nothing about this! I have Green Mountain Audio 1.5 speakers & a Rogue Tempest Magnum integrated. I assume neutral cables would be best, no? I was thinking about DH Labs & Zu (maybe Zu Julian spk cables & DH Labs BL-1 Mk 2 ics). I'd appreciate any input I can get. TIA.

Also, any opinions on DH Labs D-75 digital cable?
Please check Bogdan cables (ICs and speaker)discussions on this forum as well as The Bogdans are Silver and posses all the positives of using Silver but does not have the associated harshness as other Silver users complain about. Also, if you have a little bit bigger of a budget, the Empirical Audio Holophonic is worth auditioning, one of the best ICs around, bar none. The two cable manufacturers mentioned provides exceptional product, customer support, and value that meets or exceeds their reputation and your expectations. IMO these are two of the best "giant killers" around, at any price. inform, not to convince....
I second the Bogdans. It is really comparable to my reference: Acoustic Zen Rev II Matrix but at 1/5 of the price.
If after you add up your alotment for cable and it comes up over $700 look into 47Labs OTA cable.I want to try the Bogdans also.
Take a look at the Alpha-Core Goertz speaker cables. Another that I would check out is Audio Consulting cables at Reference Audio Mods
Canare StarQuad S8 and S11. The recording pros love it, and only a buck a foot. From there I go to Blue Heaven for a brighter top octave.