Ok, Here s the list of speaker cables..

If I've got it right, people are recommending:

Cardis Hex
Purist Audio Maximus or Colossis
Kimber 4TC or 8TC
Alpha-Core Goertz MI 2 cable
Analysis Plus Oval 9
The Coincident CST 1

No one recommended Monster Z3 which I'm surprised. I
was looking at moving to Martin Logan Speakers and was
told that Martin Logan recommended Monster Z3 highly.

So, now I'd like to get an idea of the basic sound
character for each. I'm after Dynamics, great bass,
and good detail. I in no way want a lean or bright or
bass shy cable.

Given my above comments, here's the list again with
the characteristics I think I read quoted by people
here and on AudioAsylum. Not trying to start any
wars, just making comments based on what I read.
Please feel free to comment on these very "simplified"
sonic characteristics... Also I wonder what these cables
cost in a 10 or 12 foot pair..?? I really don't want to
spend over $250..

Cardis Hex (no info yet)
Purist Audio Maximus (no info yet)
Purist Audio Colossis (no info yet)
Kimber 4TC or 8TC (read these can be bass shy?)
Alpha-Core Goertz MI 2 cable (read these can be bright?)
Analysis Plus Oval 9 (read these can be lean and bass shy)
The Coincident CST 1 (no info yet)

your budget is severely limiting. The 'ol DH Labs silver sonic T-14 would fit that price ceiling, it kept me happy for quite a while. Also, where's Harmonic Tech on your list, or Acoustic Zen? My picks would be the Coincident or the HT Pro9. What amp are you using?
Since I own a pair of Martin Logan Quest Z's, figured I'd throw in my two cents. I'm driving the speakers with a BAT VK500 amplifer, and found the Transparent MusicWave 10' Bi-Wire speaker cables (spades)work very nicely in my set up. I bought these new, discounted from a local dealer, for $275. Logan's love to be bi-wired, try to take that into account and happy hunting! Jeff
If the Coincident are anything like their interconnects (and I assume they are), they're excellent. Lots of resolution and detail, balanced (excellent bass, mids & highs), and they're musical...they sound natural.

I think the Cardas "Hex" are an old model...I'm not sure. I have Golden Cross and I like them very much. They're supposed to be on the warm side. That could be true, but in my system they don't sound the least bit affected. There doesn't seem to be any high end rolloff to achieve that warmth. They may not be extremely nuetral, but they sound excellent. Again...very musical and detailed. The "Cross" are also very good, but maybe a bit more neutral and not as detailed. They seem to have less pronounced bass and treble too.

I compared my brand new pair of Coincident IC's (and they recommend 300 hrs of break-in time) to a pair of Golden Cross ICs, and they were very very very close. I would put the Coincident cables very high on your audition list, but they are accurate...they are not tone controls disguised as cables.
Phild you are so correct about the Coincident.Accurate describes the, very well.I love your line about them not being tone controls.So true.
I use both IC and Speaker cable.Hard to beat.