Nirvana Power Cords Digital Cables ??

Does anyone have any experience with the Nirvana Audio power cords and/or digital cables? If so, what are your thoughts.
Ton1313, not a problem...many audio companies seem to have names that crossover company lines.
I have used the Nirvana SL interconnects...superb, but have heard/read little about the power and digital products.
Whatjd, I am trying to achieve sonic Nirvana, what is your system comprised of and comld you discribe the sound? Thanks BIGBLUEBARNACLE
Bigblue...The closest I have come to sonic Nirvana was when I was using a Classe CDP-1 and a Levinson 39, feed into a Conrad Johnson ART pre-amp, into a Classe CA-400 amp, into a pair of Magnepan MG-20..all wires were Nordost Quattrofil and SPM speaker wires....(also a Magnum MD-108 tuner)
After a bit of a financial downturn I have downsized to a smaller but good system..but have grown to like Nirvana cables a bit more than the Nordost.