I think you have found the problem. One of the most difficult things to accomplish with my Linn is to get the armboard level with the plinth while having the suspension respond correctly. In the case of a Linn, if one "pushes" down on the platter in a line from the spindle to the arm mount, the susupension should move up and down when released, not sideways or circular. Once I get that right the plinth and the platter/armboard are very close to being level at the same time. This where it sounds best and thankfully, once done, rarely needs to be done again. The Rega is an excellent value so I'm sorry to hear it may not be right for the application. You may need to inspect the susupension more closely as described above. Keep us posted.
Happy listening,
I think you have found the problem. One of the most difficult things to accomplish with my Linn is to get the armboard level with the plinth while having the suspension respond correctly. In the case of a Linn, if one "pushes" down on the platter in a line from the spindle to the arm mount, the susupension should move up and down when released, not sideways or circular. Once I get that right the plinth and the platter/armboard are very close to being level at the same time. This where it sounds best and thankfully, once done, rarely needs to be done again. The Rega is an excellent value so I'm sorry to hear it may not be right for the application. You may need to inspect the susupension more closely as described above. Keep us posted.
Happy listening,