opinions on Coincident vs. HT Pro9

Is anyone familiar with both of these? I was really almost sold on the HT due to the whole single crystal thing etc, but now I also keep hearing good things about the CST from people I respect. My system is CaryCD303, Cary sli80, Shearwaters. Also, does anybody know where I can try before I buy with both brands? thanks, J
Well, I did it! I ordered the Coincidents today. Thanks everyone for the help/info. And thank you Iblume. Looking forward to it. Do you guys realize that this is my FINAL UPGRADE? Yup, I'm all done. It's 'happily ever after' from now on. Jay
Um, yeah, that's a joke. But it is a bit of a milestone for me to be completely done with my previous system. Maybe I can sit back for a short time and enjoy things the way they are. here's hoping, Jay
alright. just checking to make sure you were still down. we're all in this together jay. anytime we lose someone it makes us question our sanity and in this hobby that's not a good thing. if you ever have the feeling like you're done, like you want out...call me. if i'm not home, call thunders or detlof or whomever. we're all here for you.