Is computer audio a bust?

In recent months, I have had several audio acquaintances return to CDPs claiming improved SQ versus their highly optimized computer transports (SS drives, external power supplies, etc, etc).

I wanted to poll people on their experiences with computer "transports." What variables have had the most impact on sonics? If you bailed on computers, why?

I personally have always believed that the transport, whether its a plastic disc spinner or computer, is as or more important than the dac itself and thus considerable thought and energy is required.

Ah yes, I was forgetting AtmaRalph's arcana... I much prefer EmpiSteve's limpid discussions of matters digital.

I have modded some CEC transports to improve clocks and output circuits etc.. I dont mod anymore, but I know what they sound like.

I dont even have any CD player in my reference system, and its one of the best ones on the planet.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
10-27-14: Phusis
"State-of-the-art CD transports vs USB/SPDIF converter shootout:"

Yet another BADA advert....:)

Needs to blind a bunch of philes at an audio society meeting and do the same test. It would not be as black and white as one reviewer making pronouncements from the mountaintop....
10-27-14: Audioengr
I dont even have any CD player in my reference system, and its one of the best ones on the planet.

You need a formal system page then. Since the room is 80% of the equation, what have you done in that regard.

Also, what is the best way to store and then stream files to ones dac? Ethernet?
I find no worthy points being made on this thread. I see the computer as the wave of the future with data coming from internet downloads.