Is computer audio a bust?

In recent months, I have had several audio acquaintances return to CDPs claiming improved SQ versus their highly optimized computer transports (SS drives, external power supplies, etc, etc).

I wanted to poll people on their experiences with computer "transports." What variables have had the most impact on sonics? If you bailed on computers, why?

I personally have always believed that the transport, whether its a plastic disc spinner or computer, is as or more important than the dac itself and thus considerable thought and energy is required.

10-27-14: Audioengr
I dont even have any CD player in my reference system, and its one of the best ones on the planet.

You need a formal system page then. Since the room is 80% of the equation, what have you done in that regard.

Also, what is the best way to store and then stream files to ones dac? Ethernet?
I find no worthy points being made on this thread. I see the computer as the wave of the future with data coming from internet downloads.
Agear - I have an "about AE" page that describes my system and has a photo. It is not up to date though, since I now have custom 805A SE monoblocks. Soon to get Vapor Audio Nimbus speakers too.

The best way to play files is probably wired Ethernet. I am currently designing a network renderer for this purpose. My products, including the Overdrive SE can be upgraded to change out the USB interface for this network renderer, called the "Interchange".

Storing files depends on the playback. Generally the best way is to have them local to the computer, not NAS, and not USB if you are using USB interface. If you use network interface, then USB or firewire access to the drives is fine. IF you use USB, then Firewire to the drives is best IME.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Agear --

Yet another BADA advert....:)

That's a matter to be taken up with the OP's author alone - it's certainly not my agenda. And even if it is a "BADA advert" it's of no consequence to what the comparison is trying to tell in general terms (more on that later).

Indeed I did (and still do) consider pointing out to the OP (to linked article) that the prevalent, and more or less sole focus on the USB to S/PDIF converter as a "transport" is partially misleading, since the harddrive/server appears to be the more "logical" and relevant mention as such. An equally integral part, at least :)

Needs to blind a bunch of philes at an audio society meeting and do the same test. It would not be as black and white as one reviewer making pronouncements from the mountaintop....

Actually this is one area I'd feel no qualms about labeling as black and white. To be perhaps somewhat provocative about it: the prevalence (i.e.: enertia?) to ackowledge a (more or less) visibly spinning object as what's qualitatively desirable bleeds, in this case, into struggling to find the few cases where astronomically priced CD-transports would turn out victorious, yet still end up falling short compared to their computer-based alternatives - with the latter costing significantly less, that is. This, from what I can tell, is not about the frequency of CD-transport devotees tipping the boat, so to speak, and wanting to find the "evidence" for it, but instead bears the scent of a stubborn hunt for the instance where a group of individuals unanimously deems a CD-transport the winner over a computer ditto. No doubt a group, or groups of people have done so already, but... to be provocative about it :)
Tag, I am with you. While I follow this thread with amusement, it's value, not so much. I am a lover of all that is vinyl(records). Digital always turned me off. Enter the computer. Voila! Now I am in love with digital as well. Quality of sound. Convents. Ease of usage. You name it. Computer not just the future but the best digital was, is or will be.