Balanced or SET Which one is more musical? Need help

I just purchase Meridian 508.24 CDP. It has Balanced and SET output. I am using ARC reference one and VT130SE with Proac 2.5 speaker. I like to know Balanced or SET which one will produce best result on my system. I just want to get some comments and suggestion from all audiophile. I am using all cardas golden reference cable on my system. Currently, I am using RCA between CDP and Pre-amp, balanced cable between reference one and VT130SE amp.

borrow a pair of balanced cables from a retailer and try both. that is really the only way to tell: by listening. good luck!
Balanced is only good if you have long interconnects and unstable oscilating power in your setup.
In the rest of cases musicality and transparancy is better with SE interconnects