How do I set anti skate on Nottingham Anna arm????

Please help me get the last adjustment dialed in on my new turntable that is finally ready to use. I have been trying to wait patiently to start listening to records. Last night I was lucky enough to have my buddy come and help me set up my table/arm/cartridge. We couldn't get the anti skate figured out. Please let me know if I am missing something. Thanks very much.
There is a weirht at the end of the L shaped wire. move it out toward the end to increase force, in toward the bend decrease, 3/4 of the way out is a good starting point. Some models have small marks on the shaft representing .5 grams.

I have tried putting it in every position with the same result, it skates to the middle. I am really baffled. Thanks for your help with this.
It sounds like you are trying to use a blank disc to set the anti-skate. I never was able to get that to work either as the weight to neutralize is MUCH too high (this method ignores the friction of the groove).
The simplest way to start IMHO is to set the anti-skate weight at a reasonable starting point and inspect the (L/R)angle of the cantilever as you raise and lower the stylus, then adjust the weight up and down until the cantlever deflection is neutral.
There are much more sophisticated methods which require special discs or equipment, but I don't find this adjustment to be super critical.