Power Cord Advice

As this seems to be the rage, I too have been bitten by the power cord bug. I am interested in upgrading all of the power cords through out my system and I was hoping for some general thoughts on a few cords at the top of my list. Likewise, I welcome any additions to the list.

Harmonic Tech
Pro-AC11 -Currently using all HT cables throughout the system with good results

BMI Whale Elite
With such great reviews and an almost cult like following, I'm curious. Does anyone have information regarding build specs (gauge, conductor type, etc) or the theory behind the design?

PS Audio Lab or Mini Lab.
I heard these in a friends system and I was impressed and they also got a favorable nod from Fremer.

I welcome any and all feedback/ideas. Thanks again for all of your help!
Currently, my system includes the following:

Von Schweikert VR-4
Electrocompaniet 4.7 preamp
Electrocompaniet AW-60 amps (2)
Electrocompaniet EMC-1 CD player
Harmonic tech Pro-Silway MKII IC
Harmonic Tech Pro-11 speaker cable (2 pair)
I just recently bought the Bob Crump HSR Power Cord used on Audiogon for $115, and it sounds great. I really like the fact that it is flexible, not big and stiff like so many of the power cords out there today. sonics are wonderful and the price is reasonable. The guy I bought it from had 3 for sale. Check under the "Power Cable" section, he may still have 2 for sale. By the way, how do you like your EMC-1 CD player?
Thanks for the information. The HSR cord is not one that I had thought of.

EMC-1? I really like it and it is built like a tank. However, some might find it a tad warm, but I think it's honest and now EC is offering an upsampling chip set.(24bit 192Khz) With that added, I'd say it is one of the better players out now. It is really a machine that is devoted to music reproduction rather that being caught up in analytical sound reproduction. As with everything, it still comes down to personal taste
I'm getting interested in power cords myself because I understand from friends that they affect sound like interconnects do...The prices have scared me away so far.....but on Audiogon there is a place that advertises the"Absolute Power Cord" for under $50 that they say beats much pricier cords..The web site for GTT Audio is www.gttgroup.com...I'm thinking about trying that before going to the more expensive ones. Good listening..