Why do my albums sound better at the end???

When playing an LP, the sound gets smoother and more musical on the last couple of tracks. Not that it is bad at the beginning, only that it is better at the end. Any ideas why this is so and how to achieve the same sound at the beginning?
It's possible that the tonearm/cartridge is not adjusted probably. It's been awhile since I used a turntable but I am sure someone will come up with the proper adjustment procedure.
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My thoughts tend to run in the same direction that SF and Viridian have already voiced.

Out of curiosity though, are you using a record clamp ? What type of platter mat are you using ? Sean
If your cartridge is properly aligned, then your anti-skate may be mis-calibrated. Consider getting the HFNRR Test Record. It will walk you through many of these issues with your ears as the arbitror.