Recommendations for Balanced Interconnect...

I'm looking for a balanced interconnect to run between my Electrocompaniet EC-1up CD player and my preamp, which is currently a BAT VK30 (soon to be an Aesthetix Janus). Both preamps run in both balanced and single-ended modes. Want to make the most of the pre! Price range: used, no more than $300. Sonics desired: detailed but somewhat warm, definitely not aggressive.

Amps currently in use include Odysee Stratos Dual Mono and Quicksilver "Triode" monoblocks. Speakers include Proac 2.5's and Quad 988's. System not yet locked in on either account. Thanks for good advise!!!
Take a look at LAT International's IC-200. I run it between my Chord DAC-64 and my McIntosh C200 preamp and between the preamp and the McIntosh MC402 power amp. Check the reviews on - I support the most enthusiastic. Burn-in takes some weeks, though, but LAT offers a 45-day-trial-period. See their website
Hey Peter, good choice on preamps! I'll 2nd the transparent recommendation. I'd go with the balanced version. I'd describe it exactly along your desires. Good Luck.
i've been very happy w/ synergistic research looking glass which is designed w/ tube gear in mind. my comparisons have been: transparent music link plus, stealth m7, cardas hexlink 5c, modern audio design pearl, purist audio colossus, kimber hero and nirvana moet.
I'd like to try the Transparent cables, but I could use a bit more advise! There are so many versions out there... and my price limit remains around $300. As for the Musiclink Super, there is the original, the XL version, and now the MM version. Transparent says each one is a significant step up. I think I might be able to afford the XL version, but the MM could be too pricey. And there are countless other IC's that Transparent makes. Any further advise on which one to choose within my price range?

Thanks All!