Marakenetz, it's not an ad! It's true. Been there and done that too many times now. I agree that it is important and even critical to set up the arm, and the tracking exactly right.
It's also a good idea to take a 10x eye loupe and inspect your stylus. That black stuff caked onto the diamond is vinyl. Remove it. It's amazing how dirty the stylus can look when you can *see it*!
But after that is all done, and everything else checks out - then when I have switched cables to my Silver Lightning, everything cleared up and the slurred sibilance resolved itself into clean clear highs.
You ask how and why? I really do not have a scientific explanation for the obvious result. One factor *might* be the low capacitance of my design, but I do not think that is all there is to it, since other low capacitance cable does not always do the trick. But, you can try it for yourself and decide! Very little to lose.
It's also a good idea to take a 10x eye loupe and inspect your stylus. That black stuff caked onto the diamond is vinyl. Remove it. It's amazing how dirty the stylus can look when you can *see it*!
But after that is all done, and everything else checks out - then when I have switched cables to my Silver Lightning, everything cleared up and the slurred sibilance resolved itself into clean clear highs.
You ask how and why? I really do not have a scientific explanation for the obvious result. One factor *might* be the low capacitance of my design, but I do not think that is all there is to it, since other low capacitance cable does not always do the trick. But, you can try it for yourself and decide! Very little to lose.