What Instrument would you listen to?

Ok, this is not the real world, but if you HAD to audition a rig (for purchase) listening to only one acoustic instrument; what instrument would be your lynchpin?
Piano, for me.
I feel that guitar comes closer, better, to a variety of instruments, voice included than any other that I am familiar with. It can have a percussive quality to it, a voice quality to it, it can carry a rhythmic quality or foundation of a piece. It is an instrument that speaks in a variety of ways to to me. For some reason colors come to my mind when I listen to music and for me the guitar creates more colors than any other accoustic instrument that I know of.
Theo, Beethoven Waldstein sonata, Andreas Schiff on ECM always goes with me on auditions.
Brownsfan, thank you, two selections I am not familiar with but am going to amazon to obtain. Thanks again.
Percussion instruments. Dynamics, harmonic structure, transient response, decay, the whole nine yards.