Need Help With Cartridge Re-tipping

Help, my son just destroyed the stylus on my Virtuoso Boron cartridge. Any idea where I can get it re-tipped ?. Any other alternative cartridges which have a high output, sound great and are relatively inexpensive. Among the cartridges that come to mind are the Dynavector 10X4 MK II, The Denon DL-160, and one of the less expensive Grados. The rest of my system consists of a SOTA STAR Sapphire with a Sumiko FT-4 tonearm.

Thanks Guys,

Van den Hul and Garrott Bros. are 2 re-tipping options. I think VDH does a complete re-build, and Garrott does just a re-tip, if I remember right. VDH is somewhere around $400-$500. And I think Garrott is about $200. Those other cartridges you mentioned are good ones.
I can vote for VanDenHul. They do the job right and if you need retip only they will NOT do a complete rebuild and save you a couple on that.
They're great people to talk with and provide an excellent service.
If it's only re-tip they would charge $300 for rebuild they would charge $500.
I don't believe that you would want to change your cartridge for Dyna 10x4 or cheap Grados instead of just fixing your cartridge.
I have a back-up cartridge which is very old(maybe 5 years) with no re-tipping or rebuilding and so you might get one just in case you need it.
Benz Micro will do re-tips also. I have heard Koetsu, Kiseki and Cardas-Benz cartridges re-tipped by Benz and they sounded great.
Thanks for the advice guys. Can someone also tell me how to contact Van den Hul, Benz Micro or other "re-tippers".

Thanks again,

you can go for where you will find all neccessary information including phone, e-mail and the adress as to VanDenHul.