Corporate Interests out to KILL Analog FM

Michael Powell, FCC Chairman, is determined to make a few hands control what we hear. If you have any interest in true diversity of music (not 500 channels playing the same poll tested songs) and ability to hear diverse view points I encourage you to see, for example, as well as search for IBOC using your favorite search engine like . Nothing is more central to our hobby than how we become aware of new song writers and perfomers including the important vehicle called low production cost and, hence more options, Analog FM Radio.
Is there anything we can do to keep these few companies from dominating the airwaves? Could someone create an email we could all send to our representatives in congress? Is it too late?
Alas, my friends, I believe that the motivation behind all this is even more diabolical than you can imagine. When you have a lot of time -- and I mean a LOT of time -- go to Goggle and type in the words BILDERBERG ORGANIZATION. Read as much as you can and follow as many links as you can until you just can't stand it anymore. You will then begin to get an inkling of what's really going on here: total control of media content by the government. I firmly believe that the reason the government is so hell-bent on destroying competition in the media is to save themselves the trouble of having quite so many media conglomerates to keep an eye on, intimidate, and use as a means of telling you what THEY want you to think. In the modern world, your government doesn't want a population of nearly three million educated free thinkers. Their purpose now is to keep your brain numb while they take control of everything on a global scale. The way you THINK the world works is not REALLY how the world is run. If I sound like a raving, paranoid lunatic, take my suggestion and read up on the Bilderberg group. My money says that virtually none of you have ever even heard of them.
Dougholdco: We can all toss around the names of various groups like the Bilderberger's, Illuminati, Kabalist's, Mason's, etc... and compare notes. The bottom line is that there are a LOT of things going on that 97% of the population is unaware of. Secrecy is what these organizations count on to get things done. The majority of media holdings in America are controlled by a very select group of individuals and they are not about to expose themselves before they can deal with an uprising. The media moguls believe that we are cattle to be herded and they are doing just that with most everyone's consent. Most people believe what they are told and don't have enough sense to know that they are being manipulated i.e. like lambs being led to the slaughter. The "groups" or "organizations" that do teach the truth are made to look like lunatic extremists to scare others away from finding out what the "real deal" is....

Read the book of Revelation and forget about all of the other "theories". Try to remember that not all seeds that are planted will take root, but we should still keep "sowing" when and while we can... Sean
Well guys, I can't say I agree with your more apocolyptic or conspiratorial constuctions of the situation, though our assessments concerning the general direction of eventual outcomes we may be headed toward, might not be too dissimilar. But I think the impetus for and genesis of the predicament can be easily enough accounted for by the natural tendencies of capitalism and marketing in a media age, and the ongoing breakdown of local variation as our crowded, connected, and mobile modern society increasingly loses - for better and for worse - a lot of the old barriers supporting regionalistic and individualistic qualities that are often beneficial to artistic originality and free expression. The profit motive has been with us from time immemorial; its just the unintended consequences of escalating technology that make possible both the exponential expansion and the ironic subjugation of our artistic output as just so much product, leading to the untenable position of our not receiving the essential sustenance we all crave from the arts - such as (but hardly limited to) music - in the first place. Mind control is unfortunately not just what you or I let it be, it's what we all let it be, and the only antidotes are freedom and knowledge combined with will and effort.
Sean and Zaikesman, your points are well taken. Sean, you in particular, I feel, have hit the nail on the head. For me, globalization necessarily means fewer -- not greater -- choices. Those who are in control put together bigger and bigger deals that affect more and more of us commoners, without our knowledge, desire or consent. As far as the media are concerned, go back and read about the annual Bilderberg meetings and take note of the media moguls who were in attendance. The power of the members of the financial community who are invited is also worth noting. If you annually bring together, in total secrecy, the world's most powerful politicians, the titans of the media, and those charged with controlling the money supply in various parts of the world, chances are they're not there to debate which teams will go to the Superbowl or World Cup -- or are they? Technology is responsible for our shrinking world, from electronic media to machines that can mass-produce goods on a mind-boggling scale to transportation systems that deliver those goods and those who sell them to the other side of the globe in hours instead of weeks. But everything has its price. It's been said that the technology that was to have freed us has enslaved us instead. Nothing could be more prophetic! The cellphone you carry everywhere makes it possible to determine your whereabouts within 150 feet (Communications Act of 1996, signed by Bill Clinton). It was for your own good, of course, in case you're ever missing in a snowstorm. (No need to tattoo a barcode on everyone. That's too obvious. We'll just make sure they all get a cellphone.) Tracking devices like OnStar and Lojak can determine where your car is. It's for your own good, of course, in case it's stolen (or not). Satellites can read your license plate, while also determining how much money you're carrying, thanks to our redesigned currency with that little strip inside. It's for your own good, of course, to deter counterfeiters. When the U.N. troops march down your street to confiscate your guns and your money, the final piece of the puzzle will be in place. It's a chess game, folks, and we're just a few moves away from checkmate. We pawns were sacrificed long ago. Perhaps the entire planet is being sold to some extraterrestrial high bidder. That would certainly explain why the bidders keep coming here to see how things are going, and it probably beats waiting until we all blow ourselves up. Selling it before any more rot sets in will at least leave the place more salvageable, and those individuals who appear to be worth saving will get beamed aboard. I've got it... let's call it "The Rapture." Things have gotten totally out of hand since those clones Adam and Eve crashed here. By the time they were found they had populated the place with countless inbred defectives. Let's call it "Original Sin." Kill them all, or wait a few thousand years and see what happens? That should be worth a few laughs. Just be ready to pull the plug if it looks like they're getting close to being able to escape and screw up some other planet. We'll call it "The Apocalypse."