Importance of Power Conditioner?

I currently using an old Adcom "power enhancer" and pondering power cable upgrades from stock, etc.

If I spend hundreds on a power cable from my source or amps to the power conditioner, how important is the conditioner?

Given finite resources, where should the money go, power cords or power conditioner. Or how would you spend the next $1k , 1 Wolff at $600 or ...?

System electronics
Meridian 508.24
Meridian Preamp
VAC PA 100/100
How's the VAC???
I use a Panamax 5300 for all the low current electronics; preamp, DAC, transport, etc.
The amp gets plugged directly into the wall. This being a dedicated 20A line.
I definitely noticed a difference between using a PC with the amp and going directly into the wall. The PC really restricted the sound.
Kevin at VAC plugs all his amps directly into the wall. This is during the burn-in testing. Even had them plugged in during a Florida thunderstorm. He said his amps could take it!!!
Bombaywalla, if it is absolutely true that there are no absolute truths when it comes to audio, then how can you make such a non-sensical statement as this?

In addition, is it not absolutely true that there are inferior products and superior products in the marketplace today?

But your statement begs the question: Are there any absolute truths that you cling to?

Sorry, but I just find statements like this absolutely amazing and absolutely meaningless. Regardless of the topic.

This is how I attained electric nirvana:
dedicated lines-Hubbell cryoed outles
killer power cords- Harmonix and Sonoran
Audio Magic Eclipse power conditioner

Costly I realize, but well worth it. You, certainly, don't have to go this way, but attention to the 3 is essential. Treat your electric as another major component. Electricity is mystical, and depending on where you live, effects the quality of your sound.

I feed my system off a 30 amp, 220V dedicated line via a 95 lb, 220V/110V isolation transformer/filter. Most any other solution will end up in the *wannabe* category. Power at the panel level is where it should be addressed first (this would include a brand new circuit breaker). I do have more going on, like balanced filtration, parallel filtration and power cord tuning devices, but that gets complicated for a begginer...


WTF! I feel that you are totally out of line here! Trying to pick a fight when there isn't one. I feel that if you have nothing useful to add to Cdc2's question then don't say anything. And....if you DO really want to fight, email me off-line!

Here's my rebuttal (anything else, let's take it off-line):
What is wrong in writing "there are no absolute truths in audio"?
I do not understand why you are nit-picking on this statement?

Inferior products vs. superior products: Sure there are but that's MY opinion. Somebody else might like what I dislike. Would that be incorrect? I'm not imposing my likes & dislikes on anyone. I'm merely recommending. If that person choses to blow off my reco, so be it.

Absolute truths I cling to? It's irrelevant in this forum.

Stehno, take a real chill pill, OK?