Stehno you have a point: "What comes out of my mouth is the conversation that I am.". It is very possible that Bombay acts in the same way in just about every aspect of his life. The answer I give is that everything is "application specific", so in reality there is nothing that will work well in every scenario. That is indeed an absolute. Hell, under the right circumstances Bose 901's will be kick ass!
Are you bald/balding? It's not a trick question. Cause if you are you'd be better off discussing with Bombay something like what works absolutely better, the sexual techniques in the Kama Sutra, Al Katab or the ancient Taoist sexual treatsies!
Hey, a few days ago I gave Jimbo a metaphysical recipe to improve his life...
Jimbo, you need to take a series of herbal baths with a few plants named "cundeamor" (from the verb cundir, to extend in all directions and the word amor, love), "albahaca" (Basil, to add spice, taste), red rose petals (for passion), and some honey (to counter bitterness)--with ice cubes thrown in for the crispness/coolness factor. Next place some patchouli root bunches in every drawer of your clothes dresser. Things will get better...and you will begin smelling like a *virile* man. After the therapy you can ask your new buddy Raoul to take you to a few places in Mexico. Have some cabrito with negra modelo dark beer, a couple shots of tequila at El Tío in Monterrey, then have Raoul drive you to Club Prestige (my girlfriend works there). Find a nice mami to give you the FULL lap dance treatment ( it's in a closed room...around 900 pesos + tip ) and you'll start ignoring my posts--guaranteed.
Do you think it will work?
If Jimbo has the desire to improve and a little faith the herbs will bridge his self and the universe, realigning the course of his life. I've learned stuff like this from a couple of psychics. Not everything is audio...
Bombay, my psychic prescription for you is dancing lessons. How about swing?