What percent of your system cost is for cables?

The thread started by A1126lin asking how much one should spend on cables caused me to do a quick estimate of what I've spent. It would be interesting to see how much we've spent for audio cables and power cables (including conditioners) relative to our total system cost.
Here's mine:
Total 12,000
Equip 8,500 70%
A-cable 1,500 13%
P-cable/cond 1,700 17%
100% i've found such dramatic improvements to my system with the addition of highend cables, ic's and pc's that i've junked the remainder of my components. i've been listening to wire alone for the past 3 months. gotta' admit i'm getting a tad bored with the repertoire. but the sound! ahhhh......

How are you getting sound Kelly, by connecting the center pin of a high end interconnect to a gold filling in a rear molar?

I understand if the filling is particularly large, the listener can tell if the radio station is playing regular CD's or the better quality "promo" versions.

Any truth in this?