Cables that make no sense...

I want to go from what I shouldn't choose at all.

Is there cables(speaker or interconnects) that make no sence at all?

In my opinion --
Monster M2.4 is #1 in such listing
It's very costly and very far away from music.

Any unwanted combination such as price+performance is welcomed to describe!
Cables, heck P.T. Barnum is turning in his grave. Bell and Edison are looking the other way. Right on Snook2! Give'em hell! Platinum, I hear is even better. Why not bring the room down to zero Kelvin, I hear conductivity takes on another meaning down there. At least some intelligent discourse on the moving mass of tweeters would be a change.
It's all balance in the end. You gotta justify the cost vs. performance, etc. cables indeed make a difference, and you should spend some time finding some ones that match best, with in monetary reason.
However, anyone who states that cables make no difference, and pay not credibility to their importance, ALL HAVE BAD SOUNDING SYSTEMS, THAT YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO LISTEN TO ANYWAY!!!! experiences.
I once paid a visit to Dunlavy audio in Colorado, taking a little tour. John Dunlavy(respected award winning speaker designer) believes cables make no difference either! Do I need to tell you how his set-up's sounded???!!
Right!!!...THEY SOUNDED REALLY BAD!!! I've heard his speakers sound much better elsewhere...but not so in his place!...but that's to be expected in my opinion! Cables don't make a difference...yeah righ!!!!!
I think that cables' task is to make a fair adjustment to your setup. There will be some point when you'll make another upgrade on your speaker cable which wouldn't make any difference in your system setup and you'll ask yourself: why didn't I upgrade my CD-player or DAC or Phono or Amplifier for the samp amount of money?
Imagine: what kind of adjustment you need if you spend $12K just on your speaker cables?
Analyze it with any amount "available" for "fair adjustment"
This reminds me of some reports of audiophile spending, see what percentage folks spend on amps, speakers, pre-amps, cables....etc, then factor in the most of over looked software. Starts getting fairly scary when you have to add EVERYTHING up and then figure out percentages. If anyone can figure out an easy way to do it let me know I would be interested for my own personal knowledge.