Cables that make no sense...

I want to go from what I shouldn't choose at all.

Is there cables(speaker or interconnects) that make no sence at all?

In my opinion --
Monster M2.4 is #1 in such listing
It's very costly and very far away from music.

Any unwanted combination such as price+performance is welcomed to describe!
This reminds me of some reports of audiophile spending, see what percentage folks spend on amps, speakers, pre-amps, cables....etc, then factor in the most of over looked software. Starts getting fairly scary when you have to add EVERYTHING up and then figure out percentages. If anyone can figure out an easy way to do it let me know I would be interested for my own personal knowledge.
When I heard that the WAMM speaker system now sells for $350k then $12k is cheap for cables. Will the insanity ever end?
Almost all of the lower priced Monster interconnects and
speaker wires are just pure crap! And I rarely see any
positive remarks posted about their upper end offering,
Any cable which costs more (or equivalent to) the cost of the main components. I have seen postings with people asking for details on cables which cost as much as their amps or speakers. Whilst cables do make a big difference I think that they should take a smaller share of the money, say no more than 10% of the entire system cost. This is just my opinion and I'd welcome any feedback from anyone who thinks I have got this balance seriously wrong.

Personally I make all of my own ICs. It's not difficult, and in my experience it has given substantially better sound, at substantial savings compared to going with the cable manufacturers. I haven't yet used this route for speaker cables, but I'm very tempted.